Payments for services rendered are based on a number of factors including the patient’s ability to pay as well as grant fund availability for various services.
General Primary Medical Care & Walk-In Medical Care
JHCHC provides general primary medical care at 15 clinic sites (five school-based). Services are provided by board certified Physicians and Nurse Practitioners. All levels of lifecycle care are provided: prenatal, pediatric, adolescent and geriatric. Also, all Jackson-Hinds sites provide medical services on a walk-in basis however, appointments are strongly recommended.
24-Hour Medical Coverage
Through a cooperative agreement with Central Mississippi Medical Center, a hospitalist is always on call to attend to JHCHC patients. JHCHC patients are advised that in an emergency situation, they should present at the CMMC emergency room and clearly identify themselves as a Jackson-Hinds patient so that the hospitalist may be notified.
Family Planning & Nutrition
Family planning services, including counseling, dispensing of contraceptives and risk assessment, are available at all JHCHC medical sites. JHCHC has a registered dietician and two licensed dietitians on staff to counsel patients on dietary choices.
JHCHC has available a vast array of diagnostic testing and screening services including, but not limited to vision, hearing, developmental, pap smears, prostate, and colorectal cancer, breast and cervical cancer, cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, hypertension
Testing, Screenings & Immunizations and HIV. Immunizations, both pediatric and adult, are provided at all JHCHC medical sites.
Environmental Health
JHCHC refers environmental health issues and needs to the State Department of Health .