New Deputy Chief Operating Officer at Jackson Hinds Comprehensive Health Center.... Dr. Tamika Curtis HollowayIntroducing our new Deputy Chief Operating Officer! Dr. Tamika Curtis-Holloway brings many years of valuable experience in HIV and is...
New Director of Pharmacy at Jackson Hinds Comprehensive Health Center.... Dr. Cedric TorryWe are delighted to announce that Dr. Cedric Torry has been appointed as the new Director of Pharmacy. Dr. Torry joined Jackson-Hinds...
Congratulations to Dr. Marstonya DeAnna Butler-Henson on her Graduation from Walden University! "Hard Work pays off"
MS Governor appoints Chapman to Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s Medical Care Advisory CommitteeDr. Jasmin O. Chapman, chief executive officer of Jackson-Hinds Comprehensive Health Center has been appointed to the Mississippi...