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National Health Center Week 2017!
Jackson-Hinds Comprehensive Health Center would like to thank all of our patients, providers, elected officials and sponsors for helping...

National Health Center Week with the American Cancer Society
Special thanks to the American Cancer Society for visiting us at Jackson-Hinds during #NHCW17! The American Cancer Society has programs...

#AllofUs Research Program Pep Rally
Imagine a future where health research findings are based on each individual. Jackson-Hinds Comprehensive Health Center is proud to be...

Jackson-Hinds Comprehensive Health Center would like to thank UnitedHealthCare for sponsoring breakfast to the staff. This partnership is...

Elected Officials Day at Jackson-Hinds!
Special thanks to the local, state and #MPHCA officials for touring with us today @JhchcMs #ValueChcs #NHCW17
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